Three good things today

Write down three good things that happened during your work day. Think about why they occurred. Describe the situation in as much detail as you can. What happened, who was there and how did it feel?

Why is it good to do the exercise?

During our workdays, it is easy for us to get stuck on the things that go wrong or aren’t the way we want them to be. We take the good things that happen to us and our happy relationships for granted, which can make us overlook opportunities that could help us feel good and get closer to others. Small things, like a colleague helping you with a task or feeling the warmth of your morning coffee, are important for everyday happiness. In this exercise, you train noticing, remembering and enjoying the good things in your life right now. Happiness psychologist Martin Seligman has seen that wellbeing increases in the present and in the long term by doing this. Reflecting on the reasons for the positive events means that you are ploughing the furrow in which gratitude will grow – which will also lead to increased wellbeing. Doesn’t that sound good? Try writing them down at the end of your work day for a couple of weeks and see how your wellbeing is affected!

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