Hundreds of tips for creating sustainable and successful teams

Welcome to Habitud, the psychological gym. Here we at Psykologifabriken have compiled hundreds of exercises based on psychological research, psychological training tips, that you can do to enhance your self-leadership, teamwork, and become a better team member. You can access these training tips by booking a workshop with Psykologifabriken, subscribing to an individual membership with Habitud Pro, or having a psychological coach within your team. 

If you have a psychological coach in your team, such as a manager or team leader, you will also have access to hundreds of tips to try with your team. These tips work well during team meetings and conferences. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to use our survey of eight principles for successful teams, which serves as a valuable tool to guide you in selecting suitable training tips for your team and evaluating your efforts. Overall, a structured approach to develop your team and leadership. 

At Habitud, you will find both psychological training tips and psychological training courses with multiple psychological training tips. Start a course to receive regular emails with psychological training tips over a period, typically delivered once a week for a month.

Many of the psychological training tips are based on eight principles for successful teams. Learn more about these eight principles in the award-winning book "How to cure an egoist - eight principles for sustainable teams". Additionally, Habitud offers compatibility with other models, which can be found under "Other" when searching for training tips or here.

Habitud is a digital service from Psykologifabriken. We can inspire your team's development with a workshop, help you create behavioral change with a team effort, or help you achieve results by training a certified Psychological Coach in Habitud. You can see the certified coaches below.

Certified in Habitud

Amanda Lindestreng

Secretary General Sweden’s student councils

Boel Stier

Communications and marketing consultant. | Podcast host at Health for Wealth.

Lina Lindrågen

Malin Logård

Mårten Rostö

Mi Anell

Skolchef på Innovitaskolan

Mikael Hansen

HR Business Partner, Astra Zeneca

Natasha von Reymond

Executive Business Assistant, IPCO

Nevyn Bengtsson

Grundare och VD, Alloverse

Oskar HenriksonWahlman
0739 696 625

Sophie Brömster

Tove Holmberg

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