Happier organizations

Want to strengthen your team with an inspiring lecture or a webinar on cooperation, feedback or creating new habits? Are you a manager and want to develop your leadership through research insights? Do you want to create successful teams that feel good and perform well? Among others, we have helped IKEA prepare for an intense period of change, Åhléns to set better targets, and Jämtkraft to improve feedback. We can help you too.  
What is right for you, where you are now? Do you want to be inspired, form new habits or create a noticeably more successful team? Get in touch to discuss what would be right for you, or choose from three popular formats:

Inspiration +

Experience an inspiring lecture, unlike any you’ve seen before. Used to simply being inspired, but not implementing any of what you hear from the speaker? Psykologifabriken’s lectures are both inspiring AND give you the tools to actually use what you learned. The lecture is like a gym session where you train psychology. Our inspiration offering gives you access to the Habitud psychological gym for three months after the lecture. Habitud is a digital platform for behavioral change, with hundreds of exercises, so that you can move from inspiration to action.

Choose from popular lectures such as How to cure an egoist: eight principles for sustainable teams, What Super Mario can teach us about feedback, Do not think about a yellow banana – thoughts, feelings and behaviors in times of change, and How many days does it take to create a habit, 18 or 254?

Psykologifabriken – thank you so much for an amazingly inspiring lecture at our staff activity days for Linköping Diocese! We have built a positive foundation on which to continue improving the organization’s work environment and cooperation. We are looking forward to the next stage, our psychological gym and practical exercises! I’m sending you few quotes from our staff after the activity days: “The program was very relevant and applicable to my everyday life. It was great to get concrete tools to take home with me” and “Excellent lectures and exercises! Good concrete examples/exercises so I can continue working with these issues in the organization. It is important that we don’t stop working on these issues. Systematic work on occupational health and safety must be done continually.” – Frida Gårdmo from Linköping Diocese.

All our lectures are available as webinars.

“Thanks to Psykologifabriken for an extremely professional webinar! You showed a mastery of digital media and made it easy to turn scientific research into concrete action. I like that you focus on HOW to transform knowledge into action to make things happen. We often know the right thing to do, but not really how to do it.” – Markus Wikborg, psychologist and leadership developer at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Behavioral change +

Even more can be achieved when HR or the team manager receive support. According to Lacerenza, a leadership researcher, managers attain the most development if they receive a needs analysis, training sessions spread over time and feedback on their efforts. We have included these ideas in our Behavioral change + offering. In this, we train an internal staff member, such as the HR manager or a team manager, to be a psychological coach – a person who supports change work in one or more teams over a year. This format provides a good chance of successful behavioral change and gets measurable results in our survey of eight principles for successful teams. This is the perfect way to get more out of our inspiring lectures and the Habitud digital platform. Please contact us to book a tailor-made course for your organization. 

“I have long been a fan of Psykologifabriken’s work on creating real behavioral change, which was what I wanted to do in my organization. In the end, I decided not to worry about getting a Habitud certification funded by my employer. I paid from my own pocket and I wasn’t disappointed. Psykologifabriken has provided me with masses of inspiration and material, and Habitud has given me the tools to work with my own habits and those of the team.”

– Mikael Mattsson Flink, method developer at Salem Municipality

Results +

Is your objective a noticeably more successful and happier team? In this format, we provide on-site training and support for the team and the manager. We’ve seen that we achieve the best results if the team works with Habitud digital support between at least three of our popular lectures. We then return to follow up and add depth to what is being done. 
In these cases, there is a very high chance of achieving changed behaviors and measurable results in our survey of eight principles for successful teams, as well as of creating a happy and beneficial culture in your organization. 

“The concept of half-day seminars that combine theory with application/dialogue has really suited us well. The psychological gym and the format using a training mate have been factors in our success, as they meant that we trained and developed in our actual everyday context.” - Mathias Henricsson, HR at Jämtkraft